Cloud run is what i expected Appengine to be - A container plantform without any proprietary API’s or restrictions. Cloudrun recently announced GA.


  • Scale to zero container instances when there is no traffic.
  • Built on Knative and its portable across platforms and minimize lock-in
  • Pay-per use model - pay only for compute/mem/network used.
  • If you have existing GKE cluster then there is an add-on to use CloudRun on the existing GKE cluster.


  • Currently you cannot check the current number of active instances. It isn’t clear if the instance was shutdown when there is no traffic. Additional reference: link here
  • Cannot configure CPU on fully-managed instance. Its possible only with on-prem Anthos.
  • While building from docker - files need to be in current directory of host and not target subdirectory.
      Step 2/4 : COPY HelloStackExplorer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar  /HelloStackExplorer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      COPY failed: stat /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder188329130/HelloStackExplorer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar: no such file or directory
      ERROR: build step 0 "" failed: exit status 1
      ERROR: (gcloud.builds.submit) build 7a43b056-0ac3-4fba-bed6-33b59fcff9b1 completed with status "FAILURE"

CloudRun example

In order to use CloudRun you just need to buld and deploy your application as container with any language/tools of your choice. Following steps give an example of running hello world web application:

  • Build the app
    • Write code
    • Define Docker file

    As a quick hello-world example of app with docker file created the following: HelloWorldSpringBoot repo Just checkout the code locally for this step.

  • Publish Docker image to repo
    gcloud builds submit --tag

    Published container is submitted to the private continer registery for your project. Its not visible to others.

  • Deploy the docker file to CloudRun
    gcloud run deploy --tag

    Provide service name and region, after successful deployment it shows the

Alternatively you can deploy it to CloudRun on Existing GKE cluster using:

gcloud run deploy --tag \


You can manage costs by setting limit for memory allocated per instance, max/min number of instances. Reference:

Example command to set memory limit and max instances:

 gcloud run deploy --image \
            --max-instances 3 --memory 250  --platform managed